Monday, October 14, 2019


I glimpsed the cup of the bra
of “the Hainford one”
through the gap between fastened buttons
of her patterned blouse
and was beset with desire
older, local, heavy, habitual
and prior to which I had scarcely noted
but since the cup and its contents
half full if not overflowing
I could think of little else
the cycle path beside the flyover
could be the site of our doings
she as bushy as a brute
and incapable of silence
chattering pleasantries even as
we went for anal
hot sun on our patches
her oleaginous rectal discharge
the tears of the soon to be shredded
wrung like the mucal exudate
from a raw welt
knotted like mammals behind buddleia
inches from pedestrians
cock pushed out with
every glottal stop
I’d hold the shape right
guide it through the territory
the angle of incidence
weak from the grip
render myself vertical
with a hold on the mighty tit
that bobs like a buoy
marking the limits of the channels of our will
with each of my deep sea drills
my excavations
rancid pubes marinated in anal run off
balls drenched in the sauce of her cunt
slapped into unfilled void
like swift applause
for my fanatic approach.

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