Wednesday, October 09, 2019


Would, I wonder,
it be permissible
to fuck a woman,
do forgive me, who
was pregnant with the child
of another man
in thrall to the altered states
of the external cunt
during a growing pregnancy
Malbec red and aflame with promise
I would hold the huge bump
from behind
it would be tight up to her dress
which I would lift
and lower too the pants
yards of them
a whole hand up her
like a handshake
different somehow
and from behind then I’d
grip my dick till it smarts
get it in carefully
couple of long strokes
then sink it to the cervix
hard and lunatic
and not give a shit
because the child’s not mine
probably stick my thumb up her arse
and finish quick before the guilt
dried her up and
wilted me down like a scorched

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