Friday, March 24, 2006


More dreams felt very vivid at the time. I took some cocaine and some ecstasy, just right here in my house with my oldtime buddies, doing not a whole lot but guzzling a whole bunch of beer and feeling pretty good but I got sad towards the end because even happy days can't always make you happy, so I was very glad to get to bed and the dream was weird, like it was Brighton seafront but no real access to the beach, just these long wet tiled corridors like in the baths in the citipark in Budapest, and I'm walking around in my red and white striped boxer shorts with a pair of transparent plastic boxer shorts over the top of them, just wandering and looking for the beach.

The corridor comes out on a train platform that also doesn't exist, but an attendant tells me I can't wear clothes out there so I strip but then I notice that everybody is way out of proportion, like they are my height but their legs are only about a foot long and the rest is torso, and between their legs are these loathsome penises, real long and scraping like old garden hosepipe along the shingle of the platform.

Slightly perturbed I go back into the corridors and there are probably hundreds of these odd human beings with their odd long penises and I walk past a phone booth where two beautiful girls are standing - perfectly in proportion - and for some reason I was so proud of my cock that I walked past them over and over, smiling a little harder every time.

Then later Liam is running around screaming excitedly, I never found out why, but he has shaved his head and is wearing a yellow paper crown from a cheap Christmas cracker. I don't know why I dream so much about yellow. This is a fragment.

Why is there machine gun fire coming from downstairs?

Whatever happened to my zombie dreams? I want to wake up scared again, but not about real things like dying alone or rubbish bank debts.

What a messy situation.

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