Thursday, November 14, 2019


I stalk your image in photographs
internet photographs
tangibly harmless in
the ways that mean something
though not in mind
or, come on, in spirit neither
the internet has granted
me your private life
and I will scour the holiday
snaps, the days out snaps.
the other people’s wedding snaps
for nipple slips, accidental
gusset baring
then save to file
a scrapbook of the stolen gaze
of borrowed flesh
the lives of others
assembled into one of my own
shadow of a life
an apology of one
colonising your tenderness
we shared a single bed
in university accommodation
a south facing room
stifling as the sun came up
while you slept I peered beneath
the oversized shirt you
were wearing and saw
perfect pitch nipples like
valves on your small breasts
saw while you slept the suggestion of
pubic hair curled in the gap
between the waist band of
your knickers and your
flat brown stomach
and I touched your whole body
softly enough so as not to wake you.

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