Thursday, February 13, 2020

" hey, grondelski " __ 019 __ the - an - end

\ The – An – End \

The five encircled lamely like idiot beasts, out for confession and release. For a moment there was a break in the cloud and the sun was blinding but was soon gone just as fast as it had appeared. Their behaviours required the validation of disgust, the sound of their own conveyed doings rendered concrete by that very conveyance, tethered by it to the grim physics of this earth. “Let me tell you of a dream I had,” I said. “In the dream, I entered into the empty ward room of an abandoned hospital complex. Lying completely naked on the floor by one of the walls was a manager from my meagre employment. Her pudendal escarpment was entirely hairless and pale, like a mannequin of sorts. She had her hand gripped between her clenched thighs and was pleading with me to bugger her. I helped her up and towards a gurney on which she lay on her side and I began to lick the full cavity of her anus.” They were visibly aroused by the telling of the dream, and The Big Kid enquired as to its provenance, its significance. “There is little or else none,” I said, and stuck him with a stumpy blade. There was blood from his mouth like a rich secret. He lay very neatly in the leaves and face down. “In another dream I followed a slim middle aged woman in business attire over a locked gate marked ‘Danger No Entry’ and across a wooden fence panel lain across a thin motionless brook and did her roughly in a burst of abrasive jabs in the long grass, where ruined pump assemblies rose like the orifices of the bogland beneath rusted manholes in squat brick elevations, the blowholes of a dying leviathan, my shoes squerching to the tongue in the sloppy soil.” I drew the squat blade in a deep and tender parabola upon Mick the Cunt’s neck until it too enticed as cunny to covet. He was overwhelmed by the mass of his contents, flooded in it, and watched from his back the darkening sky and the treetops as the liquids of life departed in haste. By now the three as were left had clustered together, certain of their coming fate and glad for it, but also afraid. “They were but dreams,” I said. “Of mind only.” I knifed Scooter through the top of his vast head. In it went, easier than I’d thought. He blinked once in what appeared to be a considered manner, pitiful almost, then twisted to the ground, a substantial heap of compostable matter. Dimmock and Beaky looked on. Dimmock worked the bodies with his eyes and palpated his genitals through the front of his clothes. The allure of decay such an unbearable aphrodisiac to the ones of his ilk. I cut him down like a bulrush scorned, left only Beaky present, his hands clasped together. “I’m a fuckboy,” he said. “Don’t mean no harm, just love to get me wong wet. Can’t be so wrong to wet me wong, to feel an instant of clear unalloyed lust and to act on it. Can’t be.” I embraced the poor fool, beyond whom the world extended apace far beyond his knowledge. Felt his good muscles. “Or if it is,” he said, “then I meant not for it to be. Meant not. Acts accrued to a confederacy of mishap. And that’s all.” Scant validation but death, I thought. Scant. “You’ve lived,” I spoke quietly. “What better? What more?” He seemed to relax in my arms only to tense as I buried the blade in and drop then down in death. I myself lay amidst them and passed the night with their hefts, was gone with sunup, would return again long after. The need’d always be.

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