Tuesday, September 24, 2019


At the lakeside beneath elder
around bracken, oak, lime
horseflies feasting on me sallow pins
abdomens judiciously popped between fingers
or else squashed into innards, halteres,
frons, forewings – the bitches! –  
compound eyes, mouthparts
it is not for I to deliver
the proteins required for
your egg growth!, fleshy labium,
wretched proboscis, you bloody vectors
of bloody blood-borne disease
leaving crisp yellow peaks in place
of their former bodies
the flowers were wonderful in bloom around
the air sodden with their blessed nose 
heady as gobfuls of scotch
I felt almost delirious
felt myself clenched for sugars
what would the dream be?
it would end, I’m certain,
in apologetic kissing
scrabbling for each other’s hands
as though they were bannisters of normalcy
until our palms were scratched
please just kiss me quietly
and I stared for familiar faces and saw none
and I moved myself very close
in towards her body and felt her breath
her chest rising
felt the fine hairs on her arms
hoped she would catch me from adrift
when I closed my eyes
her hair alive over or with the elderflowers
until she was gone
receding along the track with friends
I wiped the middle and fore-fingers of my
left hand on the thighs of my chinos and
stuck them to the back of my throat
felt the rasp of the air-dry skin on my soft palate
and I puked lunch up
the dry earth worn to sand
escaping gases as one with the birdsong
there were tears on my face
and I wiped my mouth and felt strings
of thick mucus drawn in webs across it
though out of sight I ran after her
would keep on running for
no track is of endless distance.

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